Posted by: Becka | March 20, 2009

A Child’s Paradise – Part 2


Another great memory I have of growing up on the PC campus is the playhouse that was down the hill behind my house.  We had so much fun in that playhouse.  It was a wreck when we moved in, but at least the building was still standing and sturdy.  We fixed that little place up.  We got some extra paint from somewhere (Renae, help me remember), and painted the inside, then we sponge painted a nice little border around it, and even hung up “pictures” (calandar pages).  We made some curtains out of some scraps my mom had and also got some leftover carpet pieces for rugs.  We also decided to paint the floor.  However, right when we were getting to the part of undertaking this task, we started to notice a really awful smell everytime we went to the playhouse.  With Lizzie’s help, we tore up the floor boards.  We then saw a sight and smelled a smell that I, for one, will never forget!  There was a rotting possum under the floor of the playhouse.  It was complete with millions of delightful maggots.  Ewwww!!!  Thankfully, Lizzie was there to save the day.  She got a shovel, scooped up the disgusting corpse and we walked all the way up the hill, across the road, through the orange orchard to the canyon on the other side and tossed the possum over.  Ever since that day, I can’t stand the sight of possums.  I get happy when I see them dead in the road.  lol  😛  We put the floor back together, finished the decorating and spent a bajillion hours of playtime in that thing.  It even had a really nice view out the window:  a giant cactus threatening to grow into the window.  lol  Good times.

Another great thing about campus was that there was lots of room to rollerskate and bike ride.  I loved it because this was right around the time that the helmet law was passed and because it was private property, we didn’t have to follow that law.  Score!  So, I rode helmetless and loved every second of it!  When we moved off campus, I stopped riding my bike because I hated wearing a helmet.  Guess I was a little spoiled.  The best though, was rollerskating.  This was in the era when rollerblades were becoming popular, but I had the old fashioned roller skates.  I was pretty good too.  Jen and I (and maybe Renae if we hadn’t ditched her by then – sorry.), would skate/blade down that huge hill that led to the back gate.  We would go sooo fast!  You could roll all the way up to Vaden without any effort just from the speed gathered from going down the hill.  It was sooooo fun!  I also would fly down the hill from P1 to the end – you just had to be even more careful of cars.  Jen, remember Philip McNulty?  lol  Sooooo funny!  We had some kind of skating thing (I don’t remember exactly) with the LBA students and Philip was all talk.  He was telling Jen and I that he hoped we fell on our faces on the way down that hill.  Of course, Jen and I had been down that hill a million times and we were not afraid of falling.  We had lots of practice dodging rocks.  Anyways, he thought he was all that and went down the hill on his rollerblades.  lol lol  WIPE OUT!  Philip had a big scrape on his face to prove it!  lol  You reap what you sow.  🙂

Speaking of LBA (CBA), we had great times in the Park on campus playing capture the flag.  That park was perfect for that as there were bushes and building to use to your advantage for the game.  We wanted to play that game all the time.  It was a blast.

The Park.  Such an original name.  lol

The Park. Such an original name. lol

So many memories….too bad I can’t remember them more clearly!  lol


  1. It is funny that you wrote this and then read mine! I had fun writing mine but I don’t have pics! 😦 Oh well! I will be writing more soon! 🙂

    • I got all the pics from I keep forgetting to bring my own with me to work!

  2. We can so picture Lizzy taking care of the possum! But why go so stinkin’ far to get rid of it?

  3. I was wondering where you got the pics, that’s cool. I’ll have to check it out. I totally don’t remember Philip McNulty saying anything like that. I do remember someone falling, but I thought it was one of the Luccos. Remember the soap box derbys? (is that “ies?”) Anyways…I have a million memories from that place. I remember when Billington was actually the church auditorium! That was a LONG time ago! Before I even met you Beck! Wow. I loved being able ride bikes w/o helmets too. And I too stopped riding bikes once we left there. Didn’t ride again till after I had been driving a car for years. You really can forget how to ride a bike. I kept trying to put my blinker on when I was turning corners. I was like “oh wow, it’s been way too long.” I remember many a night hanging out in my dad’s office in the admin building, waiting to go home…looking at the photo albums in Mrs. Ingram’s office..eating all her candy…I remember riding bikes with Lizzie (I think it was) once and trying to ride down the stairs that led into the pit (near where that old car was always parked) – that was a really painful way to go down the stairs! I LOVED that place…the few times I have been up there since made me really sad. I hate goodbyes anyways, and that one was really hard.

  4. Wow, I just looked at a bunch of those pictures. It made me so sad to see all the boarded up buildings and emptiness. 😦

  5. lol I was pretty sure Philip M. was taunting both of us, but maybe it was just me. And it was really funny becuase just the other day, Matt asked if I would like bike riding if we got me a bike. I told him yes, as long as I didn’t have to wear a helmet! 🙂

    It is sad that a lot of stuff isn’t being kept up well. I LOVED that place too.

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