Posted by: Becka | June 17, 2013

An Idyllic Saturday

My Saturday was just as idyllic as could possibly be.  I gave a crochet lesson in the morning.  It went very smoothly and was very fun.  I had plans for the afternoon, but due to the increasing number of lawn jobs that my husband does, we weren’t able to keep them.  As a result, I was at home most of the afternoon with little to do.

The weather was absolutely gorgeous, so after reading a couple books, I decided to proceed outdoors.  Armed with new, luscious yarn, a hook, and a new pattern, I planted myself in the rocking chair on my front porch and started crocheting.

It was marvelous.  After about 2 hours (I’m telling you, it was glorious), Matt came home and joined me on the porch for a few minutes.  I felt like a country song.  Or an old married couple…both sitting in rocking chairs around sunset, while I crocheted along.  lol

Eventually, Matt got up and mowed our lawn.  I just continued crocheting.

June 091

June 093

June 094

Once it started to get dark, we headed out to dinner!  I didn’t do anything all day.  I felt extremely lazy and perfectly wonderful.  It was such an awesome feeling.  🙂


  1. Bwahahah aww you do sound like an old married couple, or just…a country couple maybe? ;P
    It does sound nice and relaxing though, I love days when the weather’s beautiful and you can just do whatever (kinda like what I am doing now lol, although I WISH I was working!).

    • 🙂 It was a fun feeling. haha

  2. Everyone needs a lazy day every once and a while–glad you could enjoy it! 🙂

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