Posted by: Becka | January 14, 2013

Girls Day Out!

On Saturday, I spent some much needed time with my girlfriends.  To say we had a blast might  be an understatement.  We had breakfast, went shopping, and then headed to the beach for a quick stop.  Rachel had mentioned that I should bring my tripod, and well, that coupled with some features on my camera led to some awesome, hilarious times. 🙂

We took so many pics!  I’ll just share a FEW of my favorite ones.  🙂












There were many more pictures taken!  When you can set your camera on the timer to take 10 consecutive pictures, you end up with a lot of funny ones!  It was super fun to scroll through them all really fast and see the waves rolling in behind us!  Fun times.


  1. Haha =) Try the sport mode (if yours does it this way…) and it will take a TON of pictures each time! So many that you will make a slow motion movie lol. That’s a lot of fun to click through! =)
    Cute pics.

    • I thought of it, but didn’t want to mess much with my camera. Hahaha…forgot to mention that we must have been a lot of fun to watch, bc this older guy and his wife were videotaping our craziness! haha

      I also have a slow motion vid feature on my camera, but it takes SO many pics, that I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that. lol I’ll have to try a few seconds next time. 🙂

  2. This is such a fun idea 🙂

    • It was so much fun! lol

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